Seeking to find a

Details: D.80 / 2020
Painting made with oil paints on the gallery canvas.

There's a whole story in this picture. Struggling to find a way out, a story, yourself, life? What do you think these words mean?
It's very simple, we are always looking for opportunities or problems, but there is no need to look for them. There are so many choices in this world. Each person chooses his own path in life, who he wants to be, what he will do every day or what he will eat for breakfast. The main thing is to have a desire and to strive for it. On the way of this choice will be a huge number of temptations, which will really prevent to determine this simple. And not only that, they will want to make you go farther and farther away from your path.
When you have self-confidence and understand this whole thing, there will be nothing to get in your way. You will look far away and see your horizons. The picture makes you understand simple things: You don't stop, you go forward. You can do it if you want to.

Guaranteed, along with the painting, the buyer receives a certificate of authenticity, an art note and other additions, which I will be happy to send as a nice addition.