Reach for heaven

Details: 31.4 ”x 31.4” / 80 x 80 cm / 2020
Painting made with oil paints on the gallery canvas.

When I was a little girl, I stood on a chair, raised my hands and thought that just a little bit more and I would be able to catch that cloud. Of course, nothing came out, but the process was interesting, and I sincerely believed in it. Not only children have children's dreams, but also adults. Now you can fly on an airplane and look at the clouds, but you cannot touch them yet. Maybe someday people will be able to reach the sky, because what tall buildings already exist in the world. Going up in the elevator at crazy speeds it takes your breath away.

Guaranteed, along with the painting, the buyer receives a certificate of authenticity, an art note and other additions, which I will be happy to send as a nice addition.